Tuition and Financial Aid
- Tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is $7,100.00 for Grades K-7.
- Tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is $7,200.00 for Grade 8.
- Tuition for the 2023-2024 school year is $510 per half day increment for Preschool.
- Participating Catholics may apply for a discount of $ 400.00 per student. This discount is available for Grades K-8 only.
- To receive the Catholic discount families must meet ALL of the following requirements:
- You must be a registered parishioner at Little Flower.
- You must have a current stewardship card on file at the parish office.
- You must make a commitment of time, talent, and treasure to the parish on your stewardship card and keep that commitment to the best of your ability. There is no minimum financial amount that is required, but some giving of treasure in addition to volunteer time is expected.
- You and your student(s) must attend Mass each weekend. We feel strongly that the Liturgy is central to our Catholic Faith and our parish life. Although we cannot monitor Mass attendance, we will verify attendance through our record of contribution envelopes received. (Envelopes must be placed in collection each week.) If you cannot make any financial contribution on a given week, you are required to place your empty envelope in the collection.
THESE REQUIREMENTS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED AND MUST BE COMPLIED WITH IN THEIR ENTIRETY TO QUALIFY FOR THE DISCOUNT. Those who do not meet these requirements MAY still qualify for needs-based financial aid.
Catholic families who attend a parish other than Little Flower may receive the discount by having their pastor sign our form stating they meet the above requirements. NEW PARISHIONERS OF LITTLE FLOWER WILL BE REQUIRED TO PRESENT THIS FORM SIGNED BY THEIR PREVIOUS PASTOR IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR THE DISCOUNT DURING THEIR FIRST YEAR.
Little Flower offers three options for tuition payment
- Option 1 - Full Tuition due August 15th. This option entitles responsible party to a $50 discount. This payment is to be made directly to Little Flower. A discount will not be given if payment is not received by due date.
- Option 2 - Two Payment Option. Half of full tuition due to Little Flower by August 15th with the balance due by January 15th.
- Option 3 - Monthly Payments via EFT transactions from checking or savings account. This entitles the responsible party to budget payments over 10 months through FACTS Tuition Management beginning in August or September. Payments can be made on either the 5th or the 20th of each month. New famliies can set up your agreement by visiting FACTS here. Returning families who had a FACTS agreement the previous year are automatically renewed.
ALL financial assistance will be needs-based. Families requesting such assistance must fill out a financial aid application through FACTS Grant and Aid.
You can apply by visiting FACTS here.
- If you use FACTS Tuition Management, you may log in using the same credentials
- Fill out and submit your online application
- Submit all required supporting documents by uploading online or faxing to 866.315.9264
- Customer Care Representatives are available to assist you at 866.441.4637.
Needs-based Financial Aid will be determined within the guidelines based on the following variables.
- The balance owed by the family after the application of all grants, scholarships, vouchers and financial aid available to the family from other sources.
- The actual income of the family as reported to and verified by FACTS.
- Anticipated decreases or increases in family income as reported to FACTS.
- Other outstanding financial obligations as reported to FACTS.
- The amount of need reported by FACTS after their analysis of the data submitted.
- The ability to pay reported by the family in their application.