At what age does Little Flower begin enrolling students?
A child must be 3 by August 1 and fully potty trained to enroll in our pre-Kindergarten program. This program has flexible scheduling with full day option.
A child must be 5 by August 1 to enroll in our Kindergarten, which is full day.
Do I have to be Catholic to attend Little Flower?
No. At Little Flower we accept families who share our mission and values. Approximately 40 percent of our students have a faith tradition that is not Catholic. All students do take religion classes and attend weekly Mass.
Do students wear uniforms?
Yes. Little Flower students in K-8 wear uniforms. Pre-K students do not. Our uniform policy can be found in our school handbook.
How diverse is your school?
Diversity is a strength and a valued characteristic of our school community. Approximately 50% of our students are non-Catholic. Our student body is 65% white, 16% Hispanic, 10% African-American, 8% Biracial, and 1% Asian. Our families come from 15 different zip codes and varied family backgrounds. The social justice call to solidarity unites and drives our community.
Is financial aid available?
Yes. Little Flower participates in the On My Way Preschool voucher program and the Indiana Choice Scholarship voucher program. In addition, Little Flower offers financial aid to families based on income and tuition costs. Special financial aid options are available to families who meet the income qualifications for Choice Scholarships but, for some reason, do not qualify.