A Breakfast consisting of fruit, grain items, and milk choice is offered in the classroom at no charge.
The school cafeteria offers and suggests a well-balanced lunch each day.
Lunch selections with milk choice are at no charge this school year. See menu choices below.
Students will not have access to refrigerator or microwave for lunches.
Fast food from restaurants, soft drinks, and glass containers are discouraged. However, if a parent brings in outside food it must be eaten in a separate area designated by kitchen staff.
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Wellness Policy 2025
- Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter and Jelly, or Hot Dog
- Breaded Chicken Patty or Spicy Chicken Patty on Bun
- Cheese Pizza
- Beef Nachos & Cheese
- Daily Chef's Choice Hot Lunch
All Lunch Offerings include Milk (1% White, Fat Free Chocolate, Fat Free Strawberry) and Fruit and Vegetable Offerings.
Vegetable offerings include Garden Salad, Spinach, Tomato, Peas, Carrots, and Cottage Cheese
Fruit offerings include Peaches, Pears, Applesauce, Mixed Fruit, Banana, and Apples Slices.